21 July 2010
UNEP Convenes IEG Meeting
story highlights

9 July 2010: In accordance with Decision SSXI/1, the First Meeting of the Consultative Group of Ministers or High-Level Representatives on International Environmental Governance (IEG) met in Nairobi, Kenya from 7-9 July 2010 to discuss broad IEG reforms.

The Consultative Group comprised delegates from 60 countries and was co-chaired by John Njoroge Michuki, Minister of […]

9 July 2010: In accordance with Decision SSXI/1, the First Meeting of the Consultative Group of Ministers or High-Level Representatives on International Environmental Governance (IEG) met in Nairobi, Kenya from 7-9 July 2010 to discuss broad IEG reforms. The Consultative Group comprised delegates from 60 countries and was co-chaired by John Njoroge Michuki, Minister of the Environment and Mineral Resources of Kenya and Paula Lsehtomaki, Minister for Environment of Finland. The group exchanged views on the proposals for broad IEG reform put forward by UNEP for consideration, and identified nine options of the original 24 proposed by UNEP, that warrant further consideration.

Participants generally agreed that there are gaps in the current environmental governance system although there were different views about the potential solutions. Many countries were in favor of creating a global policy organization with universal membership to set, coordinate and monitor the global environmental agenda. Several advocated for a new specialized UN agency on the environment. Many developing countries suggested that a global policy organization would increase the likelihood of more stable and predictable funding for environment. Others opposed the creation of a new environment organization and argued for an umbrella organization on sustainability. Other countries opposed the creation of any new organization.

While views on a new organization were divided, there was general support for other broad reforms, including the creation of a multi-scaled and multi-thematic global information network, establishing a tracking system on environmental finance, and enhancing UNEP presence within existing country offices.

The Group requested the Executive Director to prepare an analysis on the options to be discussed at the Group’s second meeting, which is tentatively scheduled to be held late November 2010 in Helsinki, Finland, and also agreed to a roadmap for its work through the 2011 Governing Council. [UNEP website] [IISD RS Sources]

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