11 May 2008
World Migratory Bird Day Focuses on Biodiversity
story highlights

11 May 2008: Celebrated on 10-11 May 2008, World Migratory Bird Day 2008, organized under the auspices of the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) and the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), sent a “clear signal to world leaders that more needs to be done to halt the loss of biodiversity and to increase national and […]

11 May 2008: Celebrated on 10-11 May 2008, World Migratory Bird Day 2008, organized under the auspices of the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) and the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), sent a “clear signal to world leaders that more needs to be done to halt the loss of biodiversity and to increase national and international efforts to protect the network of sites required by migratory birds.” Although the exact reasons for the global declines are complex and vary from species to species and from flyway to flyway, the overall decline in bird numbers may be linked to the loss of habitats and biodiversity worldwide. The loss and fragmentation of essential habitats is being further compounded by the effects of climate change.

Underlining the links between migratory species and climate change, Robert Hepworth, CMS Executive Secretary, said “migratory birds play a key role as biodiversity indicators. Any impact on ecosystems resulting from climate change, habitat degradation or availability of prey is reflected in the migration patterns and timing and breeding output of migratory birds.”
World Migratory Bird Day 2008 website: http://www.worldmigratorybirdday.org/2008/
UNEP AEWA press release:

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