17-18 June 2010 Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
Regional Training on Resource Efficient and Responsible Production

The Regional Trainings are organized to present tools that have been recently developed by UNEP on promoting resource efficient and responsible production. The main focus of the training will be on the Responsible Production Handbook and the Promoting Resource Efficiency in Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Toolkit. Additional presentations will be made on the Sustainable Ventures Toolbox and the Guidance Framework on SCP Indicators.  

dates: 17-18 June 2010  
location: Cairo, Egypt  
phone: +331-4437-1450  
fax: +331-4437-1474  
e-mail: unep.tie@unep.fr  
www: http://www.unep.fr/en/events/events_list.asp?lang=&q=fu&month2=5&p=  

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