19 May 2016
Independent Report Evaluates FLEGT, EU and Indonesia Agree to Licensing Scheme
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An independent evaluation report has concluded that the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan (FLEGT) has been effective in raising awareness of illegal logging particularly in partner producer countries, and has contributed to reducing demand for illegal timber in the EU.

The report also concludes that FLEGT needs to address new challenges, in particular with regard to deforestation and forest conversion.

In other news, the EU and Indonesia have announced their readiness to start the first-ever FLEGT licensing scheme.

eu_indonesiaMay 2016: An independent evaluation report has concluded that the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan (FLEGT) has been effective in raising awareness of illegal logging particularly in partner producer countries, and has contributed to reducing demand for illegal timber in the EU. The report also concludes that FLEGT needs to address new challenges, in particular with regard to deforestation and forest conversion. In other news, the EU and Indonesia have announced their readiness to start the first-ever FLEGT licensing scheme.

Conducted by a team of eight experts and commissioned by the European Commission through the European Forest Institute (EFI), the evaluation covers eleven years of FLEGT implementation (2004-2014). It concludes that the FLEGT Action Plan remains “fully relevant,” but needs to address new challenges and focus more on international coalitions and partnerships to bring an end to illegal logging. It identifies areas for improvement, including: demand-driven and flexible delivery to producing countries; addressing bottlenecks affecting voluntary partnership agreements (VPAs); and strengthening private sector involvement. It also recommends more balanced implementation and strengthening the direction, management and monitoring of outcomes. The report’s findings and recommendations will guide future action by the European Commission on FLEGT.

In related news, the EU and Indonesia have announced their readiness to start the first-ever FLEGT licensing system. Once FLEGT licensing begins, following completion of internal EU procedures to formalize EU recognition of FLEGT licenses issued by Indonesia, all Indonesian timber-based products listed in Annex I of the VPA and imported into the EU must be accompanied by a valid FLEGT license. A License Information Unit in Indonesia will monitor FLEGT licensing; and enforcement will be ensured by customs officials in Indonesia and the EU. [EC Press Release on FLEGT Independent Evaluation] [Publication: Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade) 2004-2014] [EU FLEGT Facility Press Release on Licensing Scheme] [EFI Press Release on Licensing Scheme]