19 September 2006
story highlights

The first meeting of the Heads of Agencies Task Force on the 2010 biodiversity target discussed areas for collaboration on the 2010 target and identified focal points within each agency for this collaboration.

The Task Force, which met on 15 September 2006, in Gland, Switzerland, includes representatives of UNEP, UNDP, FAO, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNITAR, […]

The first meeting of the Heads of Agencies Task Force on the 2010 biodiversity target discussed areas for collaboration on the 2010 target and identified focal points within each agency for this collaboration.

The Task Force, which met on 15 September 2006, in Gland, Switzerland, includes representatives of UNEP, UNDP, FAO, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNITAR, as well as the CBD, CITES, CMS, the Ramsar Convention, IUCN, WWF and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute.
Speaking on the eve of the meeting, FAO Assistant Director-General Alexander Müller welcomed the recent proposal of the UN Secretary-General to establish a new target under MDG-7 to reduce the loss of biodiversity significantly by 2010. At the meeting, CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf and Director of UNEP-WCMC Jon Hutton signed a joint work programme between the two institutions. The programme identifies areas in which UNEP-WCMC can assist the CBD in building capacity for implementation of the Convention.

Links to further information
FAO News Release, 13 September 2006
CBD Photos, 15 September 2006

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