31 January 2006
High-Level Meeting Discusses How UNEP Could Foster Compliance with MEAS
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January 2006: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) convened a High-Level Meeting on Compliance with and Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 21-22 January 2006.

Approximately 30 experts gathered at this meeting with the objective of contributing ideas for UNEP to use as it develops an action plan on compliance […]

January 2006: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) convened a High-Level Meeting on Compliance with and Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 21-22 January 2006.

Approximately 30 experts gathered at this meeting with the objective of contributing ideas for UNEP to use as it develops an action plan on compliance with and enforcement of MEAs. A draft “Chair’s Summary” identified 23 issues that emerged from the discussions as challenges that require further work, research, capacity building and resources. These challenges include the need to:

• reinforce national measures to enhance national implementation;
• mainstream environmental protection into economic development and poverty reduction issues and use these polices as an entry point for the effective national implementation of MEAs;
• demonstrate the value of environmental services and extended cost-benefit analyses;
• invest in human resources dealing with the implementation of MEAs, specifically the training of personnel and officials dealing with cross-cutting issues (such as parliamentarians, judges, prosecutors, customs officials, and police officers); and
• encourage Parties to consider establishing a national body responsible for overall national coordination and implementation, apart from MEA focal points. [IISD RS coverage of the meeting]

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