14-15 April 2015 Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
NAP Expo 2015: Realizing the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process

The NAP Expo 2015 will serve as a platform for: exchanging information on formulating and implementing national adaptation plans (NAPs); providing updates on national adaptation activities; sharing technical knowledge on adaptation assessments and design; learning best practices for addressing climate change vulnerabilities and risks; and connecting countries providing technical and financial support with countries in need. Participating stakeholders from least developed countries (LDCs) and non-LDC developing countries and those from supporting agencies and organizations will be able to take advantage of a variety of special events and training opportunities. The event is being organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) with the support of the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Adaptation Committee, the global support programmes for NAPs and other partners.  

dates: 14-15 April 2015  
venue: Kameha Grand Hotel, Bonn, Germany  
location: Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany  
contact: Batu Uprety, LEG Chair, or Sadya Ndoko, UNFCCC Secretariat  
phone: +49 228 815 1814  
fax: +49 228 815 1999  
e-mail: napexpo@unfccc.int  
www: http://unfccc.int/8887