11 June 2008
Asia Clean Energy Forum Calls for Investments to Enhance Energy Security and Address Global Warming
story highlights

3 June 2008: Private and public sector participants in the Asia Clean Energy Forum, which convened from 2-6 June 2008, in Manila, the Philippines, called for new investments in clean energy, amid spiraling costs for oil and coal and the growing threat of climate change.

Asia is estimated to need up to US$6.4 trillion in […]

3 June 2008: Private and public
sector participants in the Asia Clean Energy Forum, which convened from 2-6
June 2008, in Manila, the Philippines, called for new investments in clean
energy, amid spiraling costs for oil and coal and the growing threat of climate

Asia is estimated to need up to
US$6.4 trillion in new energy infrastructure by 2030 and, unless there is a
move away from oil and coal, these countries are expected to continue to be
vulnerable to price hikes in these commodities and they will further contribute
to climate change. During the Forum, Ursula Schäfer-Preuss, Vice President of
the Asian Development Bank (ADB, announced that the ADB had already achieved
its annual target of US$1 billion in clean energy investments for Asia and the Pacific, and expected to
surpass it by 50% at the end of 2008. [ADB-USAid
News Release
] [Asia Clean
Energy Forum (ACEF) 2008

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