18 May 2002
story highlights

The African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSSD took place at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, from 15-18 October 2001.

The Conference was attended by approximately 300 government delegates and observers.

During the four-day Conference, delegates met in a two-day Technical Segment on Monday and Tuesday, 15-16 October, and a two-day Ministerial Segment held on […]

The African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSSD took place at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, from 15-18 October 2001.

The Conference was attended by approximately 300 government delegates and observers.
During the four-day Conference, delegates met in a two-day Technical Segment on Monday and Tuesday, 15-16 October, and a two-day Ministerial Segment held on Wednesday and Thursday, 17-18 October. The Conference aimed to outline key regional policy issues, priorities and follow-up actions for the WSSD, provide substantial inputs to its preparatory process, and forward regional views on international cooperation for sustainable development at the regional and global levels. Delegates negotiated an African Ministerial Statement drawing on an Assessment Report and the outcomes of subregional preparatory meetings. The African Ministerial Statement reviews the last decade, identifying the achievements and constraints faced, and highlights 26 priority areas for action.
Despite flaws both in process and substance, and numerous procedural hitches, delegates were satisfied with the final African Ministerial Statement. Many considered it more balanced, direct and specific than the initial draft, although in need of additional focus. While there was enthusiasm that holding the WSSD in Johannesburg presents an opportunity for Africa to drive the process, there was acknowledgement that the real test is whether the G-77/China will buy into Africa’s agenda. The Earth Negotiations Bulletin report outlining these discussions in detail can be found at: http://enb.iisd.org/linkages/2002/africa/

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