15 September 2014
UNFCCC Reports on Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee Meetings
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The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the reports on the 15th meeting of the plenary of the Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee, the 16th meeting of the Facilitative Branch and the 25th meeting of the Enforcement Branch of the Compliance Committee.

UNFCCC12 September 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the reports on the 15th meeting of the plenary of the Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee, the 16th meeting of the Facilitative Branch and the 25th meeting of the Enforcement Branch of the Compliance Committee.

The plenary meeting of the Compliance Committee, held in conjunction with the meetings of its Facilitative and Enforcement Branches, took place in Bonn, Germany, from 4-5 September 2014. The plenary, inter alia, took note of the report on its 14th meeting and of the oral reports of the Enforcement and Facilitative Branches on the outcomes of their 25th and 16th meetings, respectively. The plenary also considered: information on privileges and immunities for members and alternate members of the Committee; the status of reports of expert review teams (ERTs) under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol; consistency of reviews under Article 8; implications for the work of the Compliance Committee arising from the timing of the entry into force of the Doha Amendment; and the draft of the annual report of the Compliance Committee to the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 10).

The 25th meeting of the Enforcement Branch considered: guidelines relating to Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol (LULUCF activities under the Protocol); effects of a party’s withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol on its reporting obligations; and the delay in the submission by an Annex I party of its national inventory report for 2014.

The 16th meeting of the Facilitative Branch addressed provisions related to facilitation and advice. [Publication: Report on the 14th Meeting of the Plenary of the Committee] [Publication: Report on the 25th Meeting of the Enforcement Branch] [Publication: Report on the 16th Meeting of the Facilitative Branch] [Meeting Webcast]

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