29 April 2014
Parliamentarians Call for Post-2015 Targets on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights
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An international parliamentarians' conference on population and development concluded in Stockholm, Sweden, with a call for sexual and reproductive health and rights to be reflected in the post-2015 development agenda.

ipci201425 April 2014: An international parliamentarians’ conference on population and development concluded in Stockholm, Sweden, with a call for sexual and reproductive health and rights to be reflected in the post-2015 development agenda.

The Sixth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action (IPCI 6) issued a seven-page ‘Stockholm Statement of Commitment on the Implementation of ICPD Beyond 2014‘ at the end of the conference, which met from 23-25 April 2014. In the statement, participants pledged to work toward policies, programmes and laws to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights, and eliminate discrimination and hate crimes. They committed to strengthening parliamentary oversight of these issues, and to building partnerships and political commitment.

Parliamentarians stressed that the outcome of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) special session on follow-up to the ICPD Programme of Action, convening on 22 September 2014, should be the basis for full implementation of the ICPD, and should be integrated in the post-2015 development agenda. Specifically, they proposed that targets and indicators on sexual and reproductive health and rights be included in stand-alone goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and that universal health coverage be part of a health goal. They called for the rights of young people to be part of the post-2015 agenda, including through investments in their quality education, decent employment opportunities and effective livelihood skills.

The conference also adopted, by acclamation, a ‘Declaration on Human Rights’ affirming the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and expressing concern about discrimination against minorities, particularly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) communities. They requested this issue to be taken up at IPCI 7.

IPCI aims to promote dialogue among parliamentarians from all regions of the world on the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action adopted in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. IPCI 6 marked the 20th anniversary of the ICPD. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development organized the conference in collaboration with counterpart groupings from the Asia, Africa, Arab and Inter-American regions. [IPCI 2014 Website] [Stockholm Statement of Commitment] [Declaration on Human Rights] [UNFPA Conference Page]

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