11-12 February 2008 Panama, Panama
Workshop on Continuing PCB Management in the Latin American and Caribbean Countries

Efforts to date to identify and eliminate PCBs and PCB-containing equipment in the Latin American and Caribbean countries have made significant progress, but have also illustrated the considerable quantities remaining to be removed. The Workshop on Continuing PCB Management in the Latin American and Caribbean Countries will build upon the previous regional activities of many actors. Through building partnerships and sharing stakeholder experiences, the Workshop aims to advance towards the goal of eventually eliminating PCBs from the region. For more information contact: tel: +41 22 917 81 11; fax: +41 22 797 34 60; e-mails: pops@unep.ch and pic@pic.int; Internet: http://www.pic.int/home.php?type=t&id=210&sid=1  

dates: 11-12 February 2008  
location: Panama, Panama