12-14 October 2007 Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
UNEP Civil Society Regional Consultation Meeting

This meeting is one of six to be held in the six UNEP regions, in preparation for the annual Global Civil Society Forum (GCSF) and Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF). In line with the subjects that will be discussed at the 10th Special Session of the GC/GMEF, the Regional Consultation Meeting will include sessions on Globalization and the Environment: Mobilizing Finance to meet the Climate Challenge and on the 4th Global Environment Outlook. Participants will also be invited to discuss options for “Enhancing Major Groups Participation at UNEP’s Governance Level.”  

dates: 12-14 October 2007  
location: Monterrey, Mexico  
e-mail: Civil.Society@unep.org  
www: http://www.unep.org/civil_society/GCSF/index.asp