6 February 2013
IUCN/TRAFFIC Report Submitted to CITES Highlights Status, Conservation and Trade in Rhino
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A new Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) notification highlights that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)/Species Survival Commission African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC Final Report referred to in CITES Resolution Conf.

9.14 (Rev.

CoP15) was received by the Secretariat in late December 2012 and is now available.

22 January 2013: A new Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) notification highlights that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)/Species Survival Commission African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC Final Report referred to in CITES Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP15) was received by the Secretariat in late December 2012 and is now available.

The report, titled “African and Asian Rhinoceroses – Status, Conservation and Trade,” is attached as Annex 2 to document CoP16 Doc. 54.2 (Rev. 1) on “Rhinoceroses – Report of the Secretariat.” The IUCN/TRAFFIC report highlights that: since CITES CoP15, year-on-year rhino losses in South Africa have continued to increase with each successive year reaching new heights despite the allocation of more resources and manpower in the field in Asia; since CITES CoP15, positive conservation efforts have been noted in India and Nepal where rhino numbers are increasing; any signs of increased rhino poaching in Kenya, or any other rhino range State, need to be carefully monitored to support “early warning”; with respect to end-use markets, Viet Nam should remain a priority country for CITES oversight attention under Resolution Conf. 9.14, as the situation requires urgent attention; and the role of China in the rhino horn trade needs to be further assessed, but seizure data and exports from Europe suggest far more illegal rhino horn activity in that country than was previously documented. [CITES Notification] [Publication: Report of the Secretariat: CoP16 Doc. 54.2 (Rev. 1)]

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