19 December 2012
GRI Calls for Partners for Sustainability Performance Study in South Africa
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GRI seeks to carry out a project to improve the sustainability performance and reporting of local businesses in targeted developing countries.

GRI is seeking an institutional partner in South Africa to conduct case studies as part of a baseline study on such activities.

December 2012: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has issued a call for institutional partners based in South Africa to conduct case studies that exemplify changes in sustainability performance and benefits deriving from sustainability reporting in application of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework.

In cooperation with the UN Global Compact and funding from the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO), GRI seeks to carry out a project to improve the sustainability performance and reporting of local businesses in targeted developing countries, which includes setting up a GRI Focal Point in South Africa.

The Call follows the adoption of paragraph 47 of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) Outcome Document, recognizing the importance of corporate sustainability, and the need for capacity building in this area for developing countries.

In order to measure and monitor the program success in South Africa, GRI and the institutional partner will conduct a baseline study on how activities conducted from January 2013 to June 2015 contribute to improvements in companies’ sustainability reporting and performance. The baseline study will include case studies highlighting changes in sustainability performance and reporting in connection with the application of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework. [GRI Request for Proposals]

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