16 November 2012
Sanitation and Water For All Newsletter Highlights World Water Week and WASH Activities
story highlights

The November 2012 issue of Partnership News from Sanitation and Water For All (SWA) includes: a message from SWA Vice-President Darren Saywell; water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector outcomes from World Water Week; actions by non-governmental organizations to operationalize commitments made during the SWA High Level Meeting (HLM); interviews with SWA Steering Committee members; and a profile of SWA partner United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA).

November 2012: The Sanitation and Water For All (SWA) partnership has released the November 2012 issue of its Partnership News. The newsletter includes a message from Darren Saywell, SWA Vice-President, highlighting the expansion of SWA to include 90 partners.

The newsletter also discusses water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector outcomes from World Water Week, held in Stockholm, Sweden, in August 2012. Panelists at the SWA session recommended: ensuring consistent messaging to finance ministers and others outside the WASH sector; targeting senior policy makers; developing knowledge platforms to share evidence demonstrating outcomes of WASH investments; and building institutional capacity to operationalize policies.

The newsletter presents the newly-elected SWA Steering Committee and interviews Steering Committee members Ebele Okeke, former Head of Civil Service, Nigeria, and Heather Skilling, US Agency for International Development (USAID), for their perspectives on SWA. The newsletter also outlines actions by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to ensure governments and donors keep the commitments they made during the SWA High Level Meeting (HLM), which took place in April 2012, in Washington, DC, and profiles SWA partner, the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA). [Publication: SWA Partnership News, November 2012]