8 November 2012
GWP ToolBox Publishes Romanian Case Study on Water Supply in Schools
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The Global Water Partnership (GWP) has released an integrated water resources management (IWRM) ToolBox case study on water quality in small-scale water supply systems for rural schools in Romania.

The study highlights a Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity (SSHD) project by Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), which developed water quality curriculum for rural schools in Romania.

7 November 2012: The Global Water Partnership (GWP) has released a new case study in the integrated water resources management (IWRM) ToolBox series. The case study examines small-scale water supply systems for schools in Romania.

The case study highlights a Safe Sanitation, Health and Dignity (SSHD) project by Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), which aimed to address water quality challenges in rural Romania. The project produced an educational tool for rural schools to support Water Safe Plans (WSP), addressing small-scale water supply systems, such as wells and public taps. A manual for teachers was developed that presented information on WSP, drinking water, pollution sources and health risks.

Teachers and pupils following the curriculum were able to test local water quality, identify pollution sources, and create action plans to address water pollution and improve water quality. The case study identifies lessons learned including: “home-made” contamination can be addressed through awareness raising at all levels; ensuring community involvement in safe drinking water supply should be ensured in all of Romania; and WSP programmes can connect communities, regional and national authorities and achieve water and sanitation objectives in rural communities.

GWP was founded in 1996 by the World Bank, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to foster IWRM. [GWP-CEE Press Release] [Publication: GWP ToolBox Case Study No. 427]