6 November 2012
World Bank Addresses Sanitation Marketing Lessons in Cambodia
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A new World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) field note highlights lessons learned from a project to build private sector capacity to provide sanitation services in Cambodia.

The project, which helped businesses develop and market a pour-flush latrine package, increased sanitation coverage in villages by 7.7%.

However, challenges include how to effectively market the latrines to achieve market penetration.

October 2012: The World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has published a field note drawing sanitation marketing lessons from Cambodia. The report highlights lessons learned from a WSP-supported Sanitation Marketing Pilot Project, which aims to strengthen the capacity of the private sector to provide sanitation services.

The note, titled “Sanitation Marketing Lessons from Cambodia: A Market-Based Approach to Delivering Sanitation,” includes sections on understanding market potential, sanitation market facilitation, unlocking market potential, and scaling up and reaching the poor. The pilot project helped local businesses develop and market a pour-flush latrine package resulting in the purchase of 10621 latrines and improved sanitation coverage in associated communities of 7.7% from a baseline of 24%.

The note emphasizes challenges, including how to effectively market and sell latrines, and development of finance options for households, noting the majority of people in villages were left without latrines under this approach. The note identifies several keys to unlocking market potential and achieving market penetration for private sanitation services, including: identifying and supporting existing enterprises with high potential; developing a clear exit strategy and ensuring enterprise risk; supporting overcoming barriers to sustainability and growth; reaching beyond early adopters; improving sales strategies; understanding baseline market conditions; motivating households to accept less than the ideal latrine; and promoting latrine usage. [Publication: Sanitation Marketing Lessons from Cambodia: A Market-Based Approach to Delivering Sanitation]

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