6 November 2012
CIF Pilot Country Meetings Discuss Progress and Experiences
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The Pilot Country Meetings for the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) met from 30 October-1 November 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey, in association with the CIF 2012 Partnership Forum, and included: the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience (PPCR) and the Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) Pilot Country Meetings; the Forest Investment Fund (FIP) Pilot Country Meeting; and the Meeting of Climate Technology Fund (CTF) Countries.

1 November 2012: The Pilot Country Meetings for the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) met from 30 October-1 November 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey, in association with the CIF 2012 Partnership Forum, which meets on 6-7 November 2012. The Pilot Country Meetings provided the opportunity for those working on CIF-financed operations to discuss progress and experiences in an open and collaborative manner.

The meetings brought together over 140 participants, including representatives from pilot and contributor countries, multilateral development banks (MDBs), UN agencies, civil society, including indigenous peoples’ organizations, and the private sector.

The Pilot Program on Climate Resilience (PPCR) and the Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) Pilot Country Meetings convened on 30 October. The Forest Investment Fund (FIP) Pilot Country Meeting took place on 31 October, and the Meeting of Climate Technology Fund (CTF) Countries met on 1 November. A Master Class on Wind Energy and Biodiversity Issues convened on 1 November in the afternoon.

During the PPCR meeting, pilot countries provided updates on progress with the programming and implementation process for the Strategic Programs for Climate Resilience (SPCR). Participants discussed and provided feedback on the: PPCR learning product; and PPCR monitoring and evaluation (M&E) showcases. Consultations between pilot and contributor countries were also convened on the revised PPCR results framework.

During the SREP meeting, pilot and reserve countries provided updates on their progress with the SREP programming and implementation process. Participants also learned about various emerging financing instruments, discussed business and delivery models, and shared ideas for the next SREP Pilot Country Meeting.

During the FIP meeting, pilot countries provided updates on the status of their investment plans. Participants also provided feedback on the: FIP learning product; and FIP M&E showcases. Pilot and contributor countries also consulted on the revised FIP results framework.

During the CTF meeting, countries shared experiences, successes and challenges, and lessons learned from the CTF implementation process. Countries also discussed and provided feedback and recommendations on the revised CTF results framework.

Presentations made during the Pilot Country Meetings are available on the CIF website. Briefings were also provided at each meeting on: consultations on Trust Fund Committee and Sub-Committee seats; the comprehensive CIF evaluation planned for 2013; and communications. [IISD RS Coverage] [CIF Website]

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