11 May 2010
GEF Funds Fuel Cell Buses in Shanghai World Expo 2010
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May 2010: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has contributed US$6 million to produce six fuel cell buses that will be used to shuttle visitors at the World EXPO 2010 “Better City – Better Life.” The EXPO, which opened on 1 May 2010, in Shanghai, China, is expected to welcome 70 million visitors from 189 countries […]

May 2010: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has contributed US$6 million to produce six fuel cell buses that will be used to shuttle visitors at the World EXPO 2010 “Better City – Better Life.”

The EXPO, which opened on 1 May 2010, in Shanghai, China, is expected to welcome 70 million visitors from 189 countries and 57 international organizations. The Fuel Cell Bus project is a pilot project that started with the Olympics in Beijing, and is continuing with a second phase in Shanghai during the World EXPO. It is expected to be multiplied in more Chinese cities to mainstream sustainable transport. [GEF Funds Fuel Cell Buses in Shangai World Expo 2010]

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