12-14 November 2012 Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Sanitation and Water for All Partnership Meeting and Steering Committee Meeting

The first Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) Partnership Meeting will bring together potential partners from government, donors, development banks, civil society, international organizations, and academics and think tanks to review SWA progress and develop the future direction of the SWA. The meeting will address four main themes: the SWA partnership framework; monitoring; country support mechanisms; and political dialogue. The SWA Steering Committee will also meet.  

dates: 12-14 November 2012   location: Johannesburg, South Africa   phone: +1 212-735-4413   e-mail: info@sanitationandwaterforall.org   www: http://www.sanitationandwaterforall.org/partnershipmeeting.html