11 September 2012
UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee Continues Dialogue on Enabling Environments
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The TEC adopted key messages to the 18th session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP 18), on enabling environments and barriers to technology development and transfer, technology roadmaps, and technology needs assessments.

It also continued its thematic dialogue on enabling environments and barriers to technology development and transfer, and considered progress on the implementation of its workplan for 2012-2013.

8 September 2012: The fourth meeting of the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee (TEC 4) continued its thematic dialogue with relevant stakeholders on enabling environments and barriers to technology development and transfer, which began at TEC 3, and also considered progress on the implementation of its workplan for 2012-2013, in relation to, inter alia: technology roadmaps, relevant work of other institutions under and outside of the Convention, technology needs assessments, and possible topics for technical papers.

The meeting took place in Bangkok, Thailand, from 6-8 September 2012, and was attended by more than 60 participants, including Committee members and representatives of observer organizations.

At the end of the meeting, the TEC adopted key messages to the 18th session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP 18), on enabling environments and barriers to technology development and transfer, technology roadmaps, and technology needs assessments (TNAs). In its key messages to COP 18, which will convene in Doha, Qatar at the end of 2012, the TEC states that: TNAs and their syntheses are a key information source for the work of the TEC for prioritization of activities under the Technology Mechanism of the Convention, and are a rich source of information for governments, business and other stakeholders; development and implementation of TNAs should continue and become integrated with other UNFCCC-related processes including nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and national adaptation plans (NAPs); TNAs are instrumental to support national planning and other development processes and tools; and there is a need to engage financial and business communities and funding sources under and outside the Convention in order to facilitate the implementation of the TNA outcomes. [IISD RS coverage of TEC 4]

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