5-7 December 2012 Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region), China
Better Air Quality 2012

Better Air Quality (BAQ) 2012 is organized by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities, the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in partnership with Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank. The theme of BAQ 2012 is “Growing Cities, Healthy Cities,” reflecting the need in Asia to create livable cities with blue skies, a low carbon footprint, green buildings and spaces, and transport systems that embrace public transport, walking and cycling.  

dates: 5-7 December 2012   location: Hong Kong, China   contact: BAQ Secretariat   phone: +6323952843   e-mail: baq2012@cai-asia.org   www: http://www.baq2012.org/  

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