10-11 September 2012 Brighton, England, UK
Transitions to Low Carbon Energy Systems: Which Pathways to Energy Access for All?

This workshop is being organized by the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network and hosted by the University of Sussex, UK. It will reflect on the outcomes of the UNCSD and consider how low-carbon development can simultaneously address energy access, poverty reduction, human development and economic growth. The aim of the workshop is to identify and discuss priority questions that need to be answered to meet the UN goal of “Sustainable energy for all.”  

dates: 10-11 September 2012   location: Brighton, UK   contact: Dr. Rob Byrne   phone: +44-1273-873-217   e-mail: r.p.byrne@sussex.ac.uk   www: http://www.ukcds.org.uk/event-Transitions_to_low_carbon_energy_systems__which_pathways_to_energy_access_for_all_-1819.html  

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