16-17 July 2012 Roma, Lazio, Italy
Workshop on NAMAs: National Mitigation Planning and Implementation in Agriculture

This meeting will focus on supporting the development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) as a tool for national mitigation planning and climate smart agriculture. The Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Research Program, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) are sponsoring the workshop. It will support advancing understanding and practice on: decision making on national mitigation priorities; what role NAMAs can play and establishing NAMAs as a policy instrument; the kind of support is needed in terms of investments and finance, policy, and MRV. Proposed outputs include: a publication on lessons learned from NAMA implementation and commonalities and contrasts of NAMA experiences; the elaboration of examples of NAMAs and related measuring reporting and verification (MRV)/infrastructure/ institutional mechanisms to share; minimum requirements for effective implementation of NAMAs – institutions and capacities; decision trees/templates showing how countries can establish priorities and advance implementation; enhanced knowledge on associated tools and resources for NAMA decision making and implementation; identification of research and capacity development needs for effective planning around agriculture; and ways forward for effective NAMA planning. The meeting is by invitation only. CCAFS is a program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).  

dates: 16-17 July 2012   venue: FAO headquarters   location: Roma, Italy   contact: CCAFS Coordinating Unit   phone: +45 35331046   e-mail: ccafs@cgiar.org   www: ccafs.cgiar.org/events/16/jul/2012/workshop-namas-national-mitigation-planning-and-implementation-agriculture  

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