12 April 2010
IEAGHG Publishes Greenhouse Issues Newsletter
story highlights

March 2010: The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Greenhouse Gas Research and Development Program (IEAGHG) has released the 97th issue of its Greenhouse Issues newsletter, which announces a new IEAGHG website and contains a number of articles relating to carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS).

The newsletter begins by outlining content updates to IEAGHG’s Research, Development […]

March 2010: The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Greenhouse Gas Research and Development Program (IEAGHG) has released the 97th issue of its Greenhouse Issues newsletter, which announces a new IEAGHG website and contains a number of articles relating to carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS).
The newsletter begins by outlining content updates to IEAGHG’s Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) database for CCS projects. The CCS theme is continued with a discussion of the still disputed role of CCS for climate change mitigation in light of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board’s analysis contained in its report on “Implications of the Inclusion of Geological Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage as CDM Project Activities.” Other pieces address, inter alia: new legal aspects of offshore CCS; recommendations and guidelines for CCS storage sites; and tensions between geothermal energy production and CCS. [The Newsletter]