9 July 2012
UNIDO Annual Report Highlights Activities on Sustainable Energy, Environmental Protection
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UNIDO's 2011 Annual Report outlines the Organization's contributions to promoting sustainable energy and protecting the environment, as well as to supporting developing countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The report also contains factsheets that summarize selected UNIDO projects, as well as an outline of future planned activities.

UNIDOJuly 2012: The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has published its 2011 Annual Report, outlining activities and contributions to support developing countries in eradicating poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and to promote sustainable energy.

Activities highlighted include: the organization of the Vienna Energy Forum; the release of the international standard on energy management; the launch of a technology roadmap for carbon capture and storage (CCS) for industry; and support for the dissemination and deployment of best available technologies (BAT) for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation.

The report also notes UNIDO activities on environmental protection, such as demonstration projects to destroy ozone-depleting substances. In addition, it features factsheets that summarize selected projects undertaken by UNIDO, as well as an outline of future planned activities. [Publication: Annual Report 2011]