28 June 2012
UNITAR, Ethos Panel Calls for Social Contract to Implement Rio+20 Outcomes
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A high-level panel convened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to review Rio+20 outcomes and consider a social contract to address sustainable development challenges, following the conclusion of the Conference.

Participants called for a new social contract among governments, civil society and all stakeholders to implement the outcomes based on principles of equality, justice and sustainability.

23 June 2012: The UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Ethos Institute convened a high-level panel to review the outcomes of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20). Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the day after the conclusion of Rio+20, participants proposed a new social contract among governments, civil society and all stakeholders to implement the Conference’s outcomes and create a new economic and social paradigm based on the principles of equality, justice and sustainability.

Participants highlighted, inter alia: recognizing scientific knowledge as a driver for action and policy; identifying new measures of happiness and wealth that go beyond economic indicators; initiating bottom-up action through communities, cities and other actors; and strengthening planning capacities at all levels to achieve justice and protect public goods.

Ambassador André Correa do Lago, Brazil’s Chief Negotiator at Rio+20, emphasized two priorities that emerged from the Conference: eradicating poverty and changing production and consumption patterns. Jorge Abrahão, President, Ethos Institute, stressed that a new social contract should be framed through inclusive global dialogue. Carlos Lopes, Executive Director, UNITAR, suggested “new methods and processes to express opinions in an organized and structured way at all levels” under a new social contract. He urged changing attitudes and mindsets to catalyze innovative change.

The event was sponsored by CPFL Energia, Itau and Natura and supported by Globo and Planeta. [UNITAR Press Release] [Event Background Information]