4 December 2008
FAO Releases Second Edition of the FoodClimate e-Newsletter
story highlights

2 December 2008: The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has released the second edition of the FoodClimate e-newsletter.

The newsletter includes information about FAO’s participation in the 14th Conference of the Parties (COP14) to the UNFCCC and the fourth Conference of the Parties serving as the […]

Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2 December 2008: The Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has released the second edition of the FoodClimate e-newsletter.

The newsletter includes information about FAO’s participation in the
14th Conference of the Parties (COP14) to the UNFCCC and the fourth
Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of Parties to the
Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP4), currently taking place in Poznan, Poland, as
well as the outcomes of recent climate change events, new publications,
and an interview with Wulf Killmann, Director of the Forest Products
and Industries Division of FAO and Chair of the FAO Interdepartmental
Working Group on Climate Change.
In the interview, Killmann addresses, among other issues: ways to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture; the role of forests
in climate change mitigation; and the main priority areas for future
work of the Interdepartmental Working Group. The newsletter also
features a list of FAO organized or co-sponsored side events during
COP14 and COP/MOP4 as well as an announcement of the High-level
Conference on Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The
Challenges of Climate Change, to be held from 15-17 December 2008, in
Sirte, Libya.
Furthermore, the publication contains reports on: a
field study on the impact of climate change on Moroccan agriculture;
the outcomes of an e-discussion on climate change and its linkages to
food security and nutrition; the World Summit of Regions on Climate
Change, held on 30-31 October 2008, in Saint Malo, France; and the
biennial international meeting “Terra Madre” on ecological and organic
farming in the context of climate change, held on 23-27 October 2008,
in Turin, Italy. [The Newsletter] [FAO Climate Change Website]