19 January 2009
FAO Releases Forests and Climate Change Video
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19 January 2009: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UK Forestry Commission have produced a 17-minute video on “Forests and Climate Change: a Convenient Truth.” The video shows how forests can contribute to the mitigation of climate change, stressing the importance of reversing forest loss.

The video explains how society can combat […]

Forests and climate change: A convenient truth
19 January 2009: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UK Forestry Commission have produced a 17-minute video on “Forests and Climate Change: a Convenient Truth.” The video shows how forests can contribute to the mitigation of climate change, stressing the importance of reversing forest loss.

The video explains how society can combat climate change by: conserving and managing existing forests; tackling causes of deforestation; and planting new forests. It stresses the use of wood as a renewable energy source and as a raw material. A section on adaptation notes how the world’s changing climate will affect the health and composition of forests and stresses the importance of adapting and planning ahead for the changes. The DVD is available in all UN languages, as well as Italian. [The Video] [FAO Press Release]