22 March 2012 Washington D.C., US
PAIGH Roundtable on Climate Change in the Americas

The Organization of American States (OAS) will host a scientific roundtable sponsored by the US National Section of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) on climate change and other Earth science issues in the Americas. Representatives from the OAS, PAIGH, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and other regional agencies will present their perspectives on climate change. PAIGH is a specialized agency of the OAS devoted to promoting hemispheric cooperation in the fields of geography, history, cartography and geophysics. The US National Section includes several US Government agencies, academic and scientific institutions, civil society and professional organizations.  

date: 22 March 2012   venue: OAS General Secretariat Building, 1889 F Street, NW   location: Washington, District of Columbia, US   contact: PAIGH General Secretariat   phone: +1 202 458-3000   e-mail: info@ipgh.org   www: http://www.oas.org/en/media_center/press_release.asp?sCodigo=E-091/12  

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