29 February 2012
Band Linkin Park Creates Initiative to Improve Energy Access in Haiti
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Through their involvement in the UN's Sustainable Energy for All Initiative, the band Linkin Park has announced the establishment of its "Power the World" project, which aims to provide energy poor families in Haiti with solar-powered lighting.

Power the World (PTW)22 February 2012: The band Linkin Park has announced its support for the UN ‘s Sustainable Energy for All Initiative by launching the “Power the World” project through its aid organization Music for Relief.

The project asks for a US$10 donation to a provide solar-powered light bulb to families in Haiti without access to electricity. Noting the challenge of getting people interested in such issues, the band has said that they will also be creating videos to help convey the magnitude of the problem globally. They have also said that, in conjunction with the UN, additional projects will be created throughout the year. Linkin Park stresses that social media can assist in creating the change to address these issues. [Sustainable Energy for All Press Release]

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