27-29 March 2012 Orlando, FL, US
Fifth Energy Efficiency Global Forum

Co-hosted by the Alliance to Save Energy and the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA), in cooperation with the UN Foundation, EE Global 2012 will bring together policy makers, academics, and industry leaders to focus on the implementation of global best practices and technologies and policies promoting energy efficiency. Several pre-conference workshops will focus on: Water and Energy Nexus; Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries; Sustainable Urban Habitats; Local Strategies in the US Southeast; and Industrial Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Systems.  

dates: 27-29 March 2012   venue: Peabody Resort, 9801 International Drive   location: Orlando, US   contact: Pam Turner   phone: +1 408 395 0059   e-mail: pturner@firstoptionevents.com   www: http://www.eeglobalforum.org/index.html  

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