22-23 February 2012 Astana, Kazakhstan
Rio+20: Green Bridge Projects – Practical Contribution to a Green Economy

This Roundtable will seek to identify the priority projects of the “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme and prepare a contribution to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20) on the process of transition to a green economy. The Green Bridge Partnership Programme is an initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other international partners. The main objective of the programme is to support mutual and voluntary cooperation among countries in Europe, Asia and the Pacific in the transition to a green economy, environmental conservation and poverty eradication.  

dates: 22-23 February 2012   location: Astana, Kazakhstan   contact: Assem Sadykova   e-mail: sadykova@eco.gov.kz   www: http://www.greenbridgepartnership.net/eng/