3 January 2012
Bureau Agrees on Structure of UNCSD Zero Draft, Changes to Negotiation Schedule
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According to a proposal accepted by the Bureau of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), the zero draft of the Outcome Document will consist of: preamble/stage-setting; renewing political commitment; green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD); and framework for action and follow-up.

RIO+2022 December 2011: The Bureau of the Preparatory Process for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) held its 20th meeting on 22 December 2011. Discussions covered: the outline/structure of the zero draft of the Conference Outcome Document; the proposal from the Group of 77 and China (G-77/China) to change the schedule of negotiations on the draft; and the appointment of facilitators for negotiations.

On the zero draft, the Co-Chairs revised their proposed outline/structure based on Bureau members’ comments, and the compromise proposal was agreed. According to this proposal, the structure will consist of the following sections: preamble/stage-setting; renewing political commitment; green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; institutional framework for sustainable development; and framework for action and follow-up. The proposal also specifies the topics to be covered in each section.

The Bureau planned to discuss, at a later date, a proposal for a registry or compendium of voluntary commitments made at the Conference.

On the scheduling changes proposed by G-77/China, the Bureau agreed to a revised negotiating schedule, as follows: initial discussions on the zero draft will take place from 25-27 January 2012, instead of 16-18 January; the first round of informal-informal negotiations will take place from 19-23 March, instead of 13-17 February; and the third Intersessional Meeting (Intersessional III) will take place as originally scheduled, from 26-27 March, which now immediately follows the first round of informal-informal negotiations.

A further proposed change, to hold the second round of informal-informal negotiations from 23 April-4 May, was met with concern from a Bureau member, and a decision was postponed until the next Bureau meeting.

On appointing facilitators for negotiations, the Bureau agreed that the Co-Chairs will serve as facilitators on the outcome document.

The minutes indicate that the next meeting of the Bureau will take place on 9 January 2012, to allow adequate time for the Co-Chairs and Secretariat to prepare the zero draft. The meeting will review the zero draft. [Minutes of 20th Meeting]