22 December 2011
EBRD Co-funds Energy-saving Glass Manufacture in Russia
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The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has agreed to provide financing for a new production line that will manufacture energy-saving glass in the Russian Federation, with a view to to improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

6 December 2011: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has agreed to provide financing for a new production line that will manufacture energy-saving glass in the Russian Federation for use in buildings.

The EBRD will contribute the equivalent of €35 million in common equity, with further project financing coming from other sources and financial instruments. The project is expected to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in the Russian Federation, a country where only one third of the ageing housing stock has modern glazing and where the share of energy-efficient glass is just four percent. [EBDR press release]