22 December 2011
EBRD Promotes Renewables Use in Montenegro
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The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided a €4 million loan to finance the construction of a new district heating system based on biomass in Pljevlja, in the north-western part of Montenegro, in order to enhance energy efficiency, reduce air pollution, and improve the overall quality of heat and hot water supply.

6 December 2011: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided a €4 million loan to finance the construction of a new district heating system based on biomass in Pljevlja, in the north-western part of Montenegro.

The project is expected to significantly enhance the energy efficiency of the district heating system in Pljevlja, reduce air pollution, and improve the overall quality of heat and hot water supply by converting obsolete individual heating facilities into a state-of-the-art, centralised district heating system based on biomass. The construction is supported by an additional technical co-operation grant of €2.5 million from the European Union’s Western Balkans Investment Framework and the EBRD’s Shareholder Special Fund. [EBRD press release]

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