8 December 2011
Durban Delegates Briefed on Rio+20 Preparations
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Speakers at the briefing noted, inter alia, the Rio+20 Conference offers a once in a generation opportunity to address long-term issues, and challenges to organizing the WSSD included securing agreement on the nature and structure of the outcome, designing methods for consultation with member countries, and engaging in pre-summit diplomacy.

7 December 2011: The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) Secretariat and Brazilian Government organized a “Briefing on Rio+20 Preparations” on the sidelines of the Durban Climate Change Conference.

Moderator Nikhil Seth, DESA, opened the session and welcomed participants, including the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, to the meeting. Sha Zukang, UNCSD Secretary General, noted that submissions to the compilation draft had addressed a variety of issues, including: combating poverty; advancing food security and sustainable agriculture; improving energy access; developing sustainable cities; managing oceans; improving resilience and disaster preparedness; protecting forests, mountains; improving land management; and sanitation. André Corrêa do Lago, Brazil, said the Rio+20 Conference offers a once in a generation opportunity to address long-term issues.

Dorah Nteo, Chief Director of Coordination and Information Management, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa, related challenges from hosting the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), in Johannesburg, such as: agreement on nature and structure of outcome; methods for consultation with member countries; implementation of envisaged outcomes; and importance of pre-summit diplomacy. José Solla, Deputy National Secretary of the Brazilian Organizing Committee, Brazil, discussed issues related to logistical planning for Rio+20, and said Brazil is committed to hosting a green event with accessibility and connectivity. [ENBOTS coverage]

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