18 November 2011
CBD Reports on African Meetings on Green Development Initiative
story highlights

The third expert meeting on the Green Development Initiative (GDI) explored how a green development certification system could facilitate an increased flow of funds for biodiversity, particularly from the private sector.

It also explored the key aspects of GDI certification in terms of the CBD's objectives and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

CBD16 November 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) circulated information and a report prepared by Earthmind on behalf of the Green Development Initiative (GDI), containing the outcomes of two recent events held in Nairobi, Kenya – an African briefing, held on 11 October 2011, and the third expert meeting on the GDI, held from 9-11 October 2011.

The African briefing focused on the history and current status of the CBD Strategy for Resource Mobilization, and the ongoing development of the GDI.

The third expert meeting explored how a green development certification system could facilitate an increased flow of funds for biodiversity, particularly from the private sector. It also explored the key aspects of GDI certification in terms of the CBD’s objectives and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The meeting reviewed potential pilot projects in Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sri Lanka and South Africa. It recommended that funding from developed country Parties to the CBD be made available for a pilot phase of the GDI to test the validity and marketability of green development land management certification. [CBD Notification, including Information Note and Report] [GDI Website]