16 November 2011
UNFCCC Publishes National Adaptation Plans Meeting Report
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The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the report of the expert meeting on national adaptation plans (NAPs), which focused on elements and deliverables of the process to enable least developed countries (LDCs) to formulate and implement NAPs, and on modalities and guidelines for LDC parties and other developing country parties to employ the modalities formulated to support NAPs.

10 November 2011: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the report (FCCC/SBI/2011/12) of the expert meeting on the process and the modalities and guidelines for the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans (NAPs). The expert meeting was held in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, on 15-17 September 2011.

Discussions at the meeting focused on elements and deliverables of the process to enable least developed countries (LDCs) to formulate and implement NAPs, building upon their experience in preparing and implementing national adaptation programmes of action, and on modalities and guidelines for LDC parties and other developing country parties to employ the modalities formulated to support NAPs. The note contains a summary of presentations made by parties, the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, organizations and individual experts on their experiences in planning and implementing adaptation, including best practices and lessons learned. It concludes with a synthesis of views from the meeting, as well as recommendations and issues for further consideration. This report will be considered by the 35th session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, which will be held in Durban, South Africa from 28 November-3 December 2011. [Publication: Report of the Expert Meeting on NAPs]