11 July 2008
Fund Launched to Conserve Congo Basin Rainforest
story highlights

17 June 2008: The Congo Basin Forest Fund, a multi-donor facility established to take action to protect the forests in the Congo Basin region, was launched in London, UK.

The Fund will be used over a ten-year period, up to 2018, to finance the Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) Action-Plan in ten different strategic areas […]

17 June 2008: The Congo Basin
Forest Fund, a multi-donor facility established to take action to protect the
forests in the Congo Basin region, was launched in London, UK. The Fund will be
used over a ten-year period, up to 2018, to finance the
Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) Action-Plan in ten different
strategic areas aimed at conserving the Congo Basin rainforest.

The partnership involves ten country members of the COMIFAC (Burundi,
Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe, and Rwanda) as well as the UK
and Norway. The UK and Norway are providing US$214 million to the fund and will
also supply satellite-imaging technology to monitor the area. [Congo Basin Forest Fund]

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