16 September 2017: The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) member States have adopted a declaration on tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Chengdu Declaration recognizes and promotes the actual and potential contribution of tourism to all 17 SDGs.

The 22nd session of the UNWTO General Assembly convened in Chengdu, China, from 13-16 September 2017. On 13 September, member States gathered for a high-level segment to discuss tourism and the SDGs, which resulted in the adoption of the Chengdu Declaration on ‘Tourism and the SDGs.’ In it, UNWTO member States declare that governments and stakeholders should develop an integrated and holistic approach to tourism policy and capitalize on the value of tourism as a key contributor to the achievement of the SDGs.

The Chengdu Declaration recognizes that while tourism is featured in SDGs 8 (decent work and economic growth), 12 (responsible consumption and production) and 14 (life below water), it has the potential to contribute to all 17 SDGs.

The Chengdu Declaration calls for, inter alia: assessments of tourism’s contribution and commitment to the SDGs at national and sub-national levels; enhancing the contribution of tourism to SDGs national strategies through institutional frameworks and mechanisms that allow for the active participation of all stakeholders; and ensuring that governments and the UNWTO apply the agreed SDGs indicators to effectively measure the sector’s full impact at national and local levels.

The Declaration recognizes that while tourism is featured in SDGs 8 (decent work and economic growth), 12 (responsible consumption and production) and 14 (life below water), it has the potential to contribute to all 17 SDGs.

The 22nd session of the UNWTO General Assembly culminated in the approval of the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics. The Framework Convention aims to “promote responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism through the implementation of the ethical principles in tourism,” and acknowledges tourism as a “factor of sustainable development.” [Chengdu Declaration on Tourism and the SDGs] [UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics] [Documents for 22nd session of UNWTO General Assembly] [UNWTO Press Release on Approval of Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics] [UNWTO Press Release on China Hosting 22nd Session of UNWTO General Assembly] [UNWTO Press Release Announcing High-level Debate on Tourism and the SDGs]



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