19 July 2011: The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution titled “Happiness: Towards a holistic approach to development,” based on a draft text presented by the representative of Bhutan.

The resolution, adopted by consensus on 19 July 2011, notes the inadequacy of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as an indicator of the wellbeing of a people in a country, and invites States to elaborate additional measures for incorporating wellbeing into development policies and into the measurement of social and economic development. The General Assembly agreed that Bhutan would convene a panel discussion on the theme of happiness and wellbeing during the upcoming 66th General Assembly. Finally, it requested the UN Secretary-General to present a report on the pursuit of happiness and wellbeing at its 67th session. [UN News Centre Story] [UN Summary of Meeting] [Webcast of Meeting] [Draft Resolution (A/65/L.86)]




