18 May 2012
IEEJ Newsletter Highlights Japan’s Energy Discussions and Reforms
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The newsletter discusses Japan's energy mix options, the reform of its electric power system and what role nuclear and renewable energies should play.

16 May 2012: The May edition of the newsletter of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) reports on energy discussions in Japan, including the role of nuclear and renewable energy, and its electric power reform, as well as regional energy issues in China, Russia and the Middle East.

The newsletter highlights the discussions in the Fundamental Issues Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy on energy mix options in the context of the revision of Japan’s Basic Energy Plan. The discussions focused specifically on the role of nuclear power and the feasibility of renewable energy sources. The newsletter also discusses: the debate on restarting Japan’s nuclear power plants due to potential disruptions to the Japanese economy and concerns of electric power shortages; and the discussions on the reform of Japan’s electric power system. The newsletter further includes several articles with a regional focus, covering: the potential take-over of a major Danish wind turbine company by two Chinese wind turbine manufacturers; the Chinese regional energy conservation and carbon emission reductions targets and financial support measures.

IEEJ is an associate member of the Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (GNESD), a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) facilitated knowledge network on energy, development and environment issues. [IEEJ Newsletter]

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