22 June 2011
GEO Newsletter Highlights Advances in Climate Observation Collaboration
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The May issue of GEO News reports that the US National Integrated Drought Information System has offered to link existing regional drought monitoring systems to form a global system, and that EuroSITES has been seeking to integrate and enhance Europe's ocean observatories and establish a single portal for long-term climate data records of oceanic and surface-atmospheric variables in key ocean regions across Europe.

GEOMay 2011: The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has released the May issue of its newsletter, titled “GEO News” on new developments in the implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), which highlights advances in climate observation collaboration in the US and Europe.

The newsletter reports that: the US National Integrated Drought Information System has offered to link existing regional drought monitoring systems to form a global system; and that EuroSITES has been seeking to integrate and enhance Europe’s ocean observatories and establish a single portal for long-term climate data records of oceanic and surface-atmospheric variables in key ocean regions across Europe. GEO is encouraging governments and organizations to submit innovative communication tools, initiatives and visualizations for communicating the benefits of Earth observations.

On biodiversity, GEO News notes that the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EBONE), Europe’s contribution to the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network, is entering its final year. GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and international organizations acting as a framework for coordination on strategies and investments on Earth observations. [GEO News Issue 14]

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