12 November 2018: Policymakers and experts from various parts of the energy sector met in Kiev, Ukraine, for the Ninth International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development to discuss how to inform political processes on energy for sustainable development.

The event was convened to discuss the implications of an accelerated energy transition, including the need for: social innovation to complement technology innovation and decarbonization strategies; measures to close the gap between action and ambition; and resilient energy infrastructure in the context of efforts to achieve resource efficiency and develop circular economies.

These issues were discussed in plenary and parallel sessions under four thematic streams. Sessions under a stream on energy transition and decarbonization focused on cost-effective measures and reinforcing national actions for accelerating energy transformation. Sessions on robust energy systems and infrastructure resilience examined energy infrastructure and planning, including the need for a paradigm shift towards integrating climate information into common modelling tools and frameworks.

Sessions under a theme on matchmaking and investor confidence discussed remaining challenges for investments, including the need to foster investments in renewable energy strategies and goals already adopted. Discussions on “hot topics and deep dives” considered digitalization and sustainable resource management among other topics.

The Forum also included the annual sessions of the UNECE expert groups on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Experts of the energy efficiency expert group highlighted the need for stable, predictable policy and market rules to entice investors. The expert group on renewable energy focused on measures to overcome investment obstacles. Speakers highlighted existing initiatives such as the Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Fund, Georgia’s Energy Development Fund, and Ukraine’s State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings.

The Ninth International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development was held from 12-15 November 2018, in Kiev, Ukraine. Co-organized by the five UN regional Commissions and in partnership with other UN and international organizations, the event followed up on recommendations of previous forums on Energy and Sustainable Development and the 2018 meeting of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). [UNECE Press Release] [Ninth International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development] [Concept Note] [EU Press Release]



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