26 February 2014
FAO Releases Catalogue of Indian Ocean Deep-Sea Sharks
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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released a catalogue of deep-sea sharks of the Indian Ocean with accounts from all orders, families and genera found in the region.

FAOFebruary 2014: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released a catalogue of deep-sea sharks of the Indian Ocean, with accounts from all orders, families and genera found in the region.

This volume of the FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes includes eight orders, 23 families, 46 genera and 117 species of shark-like fishes in the deep-sea of the Indian Ocean. It was prepared under the FAO Deep-Sea Fisheries Program, and is the first of a two-volume set dedicated to the identification of deep-sea cartilaginous fishes known to occur in the Indian Ocean.

The catalogue is aimed at facilitating the species specific identification of deep-sea shark fishes occurring in the Indian Ocean by fishery observers, crew members, scientists, fishery officers and the interested public. [Publication: Deep-Sea Cartilaginous Fishes of the Indian Ocean Volume 1 Sharks]

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