Un-redd29 April 2013: The April edition of the newsletter of the UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) highlights progress on the national REDD+ Readiness Roadmap in Bangladesh and the establishment of a national REDD+ taskforce in Cambodia.

The newsletter reports on the revision of legal frameworks for REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, and Peru, as well as enhanced stakeholder engagement in Côte d’Ivoire, the Republic of South Sudan and Zambia.

The newsletter also describes workshops held on REDD+ safeguards in the Asia-Pacific region, gender equality in Central Africa, and social and environmental safeguards in Indonesia. It further announces an upcoming workshop on forests in Africa to examine the role of forests in the green economy.

Finally, it highlights the upcoming release of a report titled “Legal Analysis of Cross-Cutting Issues for REDD+ Implementation: Lessons Learned from Mexico, Viet Nam and Zambia,” which is intended to support the drafting of legislative reform for REDD+. [Publication: UN-REDD Newsletter Issue #37]