UN-REDD Programme7 October 2013: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) released the 41st edition of its newsletter, highlighting stakeholder consultation processes and the engagement of indigenous peoples in national programmes.

In particular, the newsletter reports on the completion of the REDD+ Consultation Group in Cambodia, which is mandated to link existing stakeholder groups with the national REDD+ Taskforce. The newsletter also highlights a series of information and awareness raising workshops for indigenous peoples in Peru, as well as an international expert workshop held in Germany to enhance indigenous peoples participation in REDD+ implementation. Finally, in support of indigenous peoples participation, the newsletter reports on two workshops held in Costa Rica’s indigenous territories to discuss REDD+ safeguards.

The newsletter further highlights training on measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) in Solomon Islands focusing on both forest and mangrove carbon assessments. Finally, the newsletter summarizes the REDD+ talks event held with business and civil society experts to discuss the role of the private sector in REDD+ mechanisms. [Publication: UN-REDD Newsletter Issue 41]