10 July 2018: Switzerland has aligned its national sustainable development indicator system, MONET, with the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development. In doing so, Switzerland created MONET 2030, an indicator system designed to statistically monitor implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a Swiss context. The expanded portal tracks 85 indicators across all 17 SDGs.

Of the 85 indicators monitored, MONET 2030 finds that 39 show a positive trend, 12 show no significant evolution, and 14 identify a reverse trend. These results were highlighted in Switzerland’s Voluntary National Review, which was presented to the July 2018 session of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLFP).

MONET 2030 measures progress towards the 85 indicators by comparing observed trends to targeted trends. Targeted trends represent the desired direction of change, while observed trends reflect actual experience. Progress is assessed as positive if observed and targeted trends correspond, as negative if the observed and target trend differ, or as unchanged if the difference is greater than or less than 3%. The MONET 2030 system denotes these trends for each indicator on the front page of the site with symbolic arrows.

Users can explore each indicator in English, French or German by viewing descriptions, methodologies, reports, and graphs, which provide recent and historic data in downloadable formats. Each indicator also compares the Switzerland-defined target to its related international target, highlighting the fact that to achieve the 2030 Agenda, global goals must be assessed within a local context and addressed at the local level.

MONET 2030 is unique among countries’ online SDG portals in that it adapts an existing platform to the context of the 2030 Agenda, according to the Federal Statistical Office.

In a prior effort in SDG tracking, following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda in 2015, Switzerland’s Federal Council established a commission to conduct a baseline assessment and gap analysis for the implementation of all 169 global SDG targets. [List of MONET 2030 indicators with trend arrows] [Switzerland’s Federal Statistical Office webpage on MONET 2030] [Press release on MONET 2030 findings] [SDG Knowledge Hub stories about data platforms]